Gaddesby School Community Ltd is a not-for-profit, limited company co-operative providing high quality childcare in three different groups: Preschool, Out-of-School Club and Holiday Club
Our Out-of-School Club was established in 1995, followed by our preschool in 1997. Holiday club was added in 2000. The company is Registered in England & Wales (03084259) and has an annual report and full set of accounts prepared by chartered accountants. Gaddesby School Community ‘s aim is to provide the highest possible standard of childcare at the lowest possible price for Gaddesby and the surrounding communities. All staff working at Gaddesby School Community Ltd are vetted using the DBS system.
As Gaddesby School Community is run as a true co-operative, all users must become members of the co-operative, but anyone else with a stake in the group, staff, family members or people from the community for example, can join. Joining makes you the owner of a nominal £1 'share' in the group, this entitles you to attend general meetings and enables you to have your say in the running of the group by voting on issues such as the election of directors.
For more information about becoming a Member of Gaddesby School Community Ltd please contact us or download our GSC membership form.